Serving in Oaxaca Mexico


Monday, May 18, 2015

On a roll! Celia's Baptism - May 18, 2015

So this week Celia got baptized!! :D It's actually a super cool story!! She has listened to  50 missionaries over the course of like 10 years (her kids are members), but she lived a very lost life. haha She and her husband weren't loyal. she at work would help drug her clients haha. She drank, and drank alot of coffee. But then she just felt that she needed to change. And we showed up, and she was like I want to get baptized. Tell me what I have to do and then tell me a day, and I will get baptized!! So we told her what she had to do and then she just changed. It was super hard for her but she made a 360 degree change, accepted the gospel, and now is super awesome :D 

Um we, also, almost got jumped by a crazy drunk. haha (first time I actually almost got attacked haha) He was like fighting people on the street, and then he yelled kill the gringo and  ran at me. haha. But then I shook his hand, and he forgot he wanted to kill me haha funny.

Love you guys!! 
Elder Davenport

Friday, May 8, 2015

Valeria - Love This Little Girl!

May 3, 2015 Mother's - They Are Great!!

Hey so this week first of all thank you for your prayers as my comp is doing alot better now. He had some family problems. But he is alot better.

So this week or the next week, we are going to help seal another family!! He just barely completed a year and we have been helping them alot. and they are super excited to get sealed!! This family is also the converts of one of my companions Elder Muir. Who was like my best friend.

So we found this girl named Elizabeth she has this little tiny baby, and is like 18, and has a really immature inactive member boyfriend, Who doesn't treat her very well. But this girl is amazing. She is golden, and then she came early to church with her little baby, and then the next week she brought her boyfriend, and then we stopped by, and they accepted a day to get married :) 

So I love you all. Also in my ward the attendance rate has now doubled :D The lord is really hastening his work

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!! Hey make your mom have the best mothers day ever!! And realize everything she has done for you.

I love moms :D But I have THE greatest mother ever!!
I love you mom

Love, Elder Davenport

April 26, 2015 Another Baptism!!

So this week we had a baptism! It was super awesome because the dad wouldn't let her get baptised but then we talked to him and he let her get baptised!! :D 

Also my companion is having some family issues so if you guys could pray for him that would be awesome :)

Hey Well I mean I could tell you guys I walked in the sun alot, ate lots of tortillas, ate lots of chiles, and got yelled at by drunks, but that happens a lot haha.

We had a lesson with this one family that was super special, We knocked on the door, and this cute 10 year old daughter answered the door, but the mom isn't interested so told her to not let us in. I get along really good with the girl (we are homies ;)) haha So we talked to her, and I realized that she was super sad, but she wouldn't tell me why she was sad. We taught her about prayer, and that whatever she asks God with faith, it will be given. So she prayed right there on her porch for her dad who had been drinking for weeks and started to cry, and then the mom heard and her heart softened and she let us in. and then the entire family (of 8 including drunk dad) showed up and we taught them, and the mom started to cry, and said she didn't realize that we were the angels God had sent. It was super special. Even though it might be hard for them to go to church because the are super poor and all work Sundays to pay for their dads alcohol..

But I had an amazing week and I love you all. I always am praying for you guys every day.
Love, Elder Davenport

Elder Davenport