Serving in Oaxaca Mexico


Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014 Another Month- Wow! Went Fast!

Got a new comp!! His Spanish isn't perfect, and he is still learning how to teach, but he has a heart of gold and wants to work! Well my week was awesome. We had one of the best weeks of work ever recorded in the mission, and we went from 30 people at church to 55!! and we are going to have a baptism this week for this kid that I found out he went to church twice in a diffrent ward awhile back, and just wants to get baptised!. I have been working really hard with him. The kid has had a bunch of aweful things happen in his life, and didn't want to get baptised tell yesterday. It is really a miracle cause this ward is  helping out now. The active members we have are really helping us. I  am seeing this ward grow before my eyes and I love it!!! :)

I am working hard doing the best I can. I just want to tell you all to do the best you can in every thing you do :) You only get to have that day once :) 
Love you guys,
Elder Davenport

Monday, March 24, 2014

Time a Flying - March 24, 2014

Well fam what's up, how goes life? Well for me my comp has some issues.. so Pres. sent him back to the city, and he might go home poor kid.. anyways found a really sick kid who wants to come to church and get dunked. Just need to get the ward up and running and then we can start dunking people haha not really, but yeah.  Im contacting as much people as I can. but we are having little to no success got suped to LZ Zone Leader tell the other Zone leader comes back, but who knows how long that will be. He went to the city to talk to Pres. about something who knows what will happen. For me I just will put in the grind. but my weekly advice is true.Try to be more humble, and be more like Christ one way haha :) Love you guys
from the land also known as "I sweat my face off tell I die every night" but I found out that they sleep in hammocks. Every one here. So I'm going to set myself up a hammock :) might cost me a penny, but I think I might die with out one. haha
love you guys :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pictures from Mexico - Lizards??? Yum

Marching ON! March 17, 2014

Well first of all, Happy Birthday to Abram, Sophie, and my Mom!!!!!! Love you guys :)

And now for my week!! Well first of all I came to a realization that my area is deader then the dead dogs you find on the street!! I just found out that they haven't had a baptism in 8 months. No investigators come to church. They don't have investigators, and we had 15 members at church the last Sunday.. Yeah I have got my work cut out for me. I have to say I'm way excited to resurrect another area! Woo Hoo!! Well after we push in the grind last week to find people, we ended up finding  Josue, Jatzuri and Jesus. All three of them are down to be baptized, but we just have to get them to church... woot… . We past by the house of Josue, and he came to church. And the members were seriously like the happiest I have seen them. But I now see how important a well run ward is in having baptisms, so I guess that is the first thing that I have to do is resurrect my ward woot. hah
Well that's it on the week.
Love you guys,
Elder Davenport

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

My life went from laid and chill to freaking nuts in one day. For one I sweat my face off every second. Even in the night I sweat so much that I woke up in a puddle.. I actually don't mind for a second showering with cold water… haha. Anyways but I was walking on to a bus and totally slit my pants!!!! A giant rip with my Gs hanging out...... ah I'm so mad!!! Bettter learn to sew haha. Anyways which reminds me, remember when I ripped my shirt for the homecoming dance? Gosh so embarrassing... haha anyways my district is way cool. They work hard and follow all the rules, but they also aren't robots and don't mind having fun! It's so fun!! It's a lot more stressful, but I love it a milion times better then before!!! Gosh I love my mission right now!!!! In my area we don't have any investigators so I'm going to have start from square one, and we had 9 people in church to start out last week. It's tough but I'm exxcited. My comp is a little difficult, but I'm working with him. Apparently he has anger issues, and gets really mad, really easy, and he also has autism (I might have already said that) but I'm happy to be given this opportunity to help him, and to grow myself as a missionary. PS. I have gotten the packages, harmonica and all :) Thank you guys so much. I LOVE YOU ALL :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Another Wonderful Family Baptism- Mar. 2014

March 5, 2014 A Busy Week

Well I don't have alot of time to write because I missed my whole Pday traveling to the istmo.. anyways I got suped to leader of the district… it's freaking stressful… I'm in the istmo sweating buckets its sooo hot.... I shower out of a bucket. My comp is special, but I'm putting on the grind going to work. Love you all .
I'll write more next week :)